- Marine ecology
- Ecophysiology and population genetics of seaweeds and seagrasses
- Ecology of mangroves
- Coastal water pollution and phytoremediation
- Ecotoxicology
- Nature-based solutions
- Science education
2022-2023.Wetland ecosystems: a nature-based solution for coastal protection and plastic pollution entrapment in Macao. CTW/2022.Karen Arano-Tagulao (PI, USJ), Sara Cardose (Co-PI, USJ), Agata Dias (team-member, USJ), Cristina Calheiros (collaborator, CIIMAR).
2021-2022. Wetland ecosystems as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Macao. CTW/2021.Karen Arano-Tagulao (PI, USJ), Agata Dias (team-member, USJ), Cristina Calheiros (collaborator, CIIMAR). More info.
2020-2021. Nature-based solutions for a cleaner and safer Macao. CTW/2020. Research Team: Karen Arano-Tagulao (PI, USJ), Agata Dias (team-member, USJ), Cristina Calheiros (collaborator, CIIMAR). More info.
2018-2020. Bringing Science to the schools in Macao: from Genes to Ecosystems. 將科學帶進澳門的校園: 從基因至生態系統. FDCT 0273/2014/A3. Research Team: Karen Arano-Tagulao (PI). More info.
2015-2018. The Role of Mangroves on the Bioaccumulation and Citogenotoxic Effects of Heavy Metals and Pesticides on the Food Web of a Tropical Coastal System/紅樹林對亞熱帶海岸系統食物鏈金屬的富集和細胞基因毒牲的影響及殺蟲劑的角色. FDCT 117/2014/A3. Research Team: Chan Shek Kiu (PI), Karen Arano-Tagulao (co-PI), Nora Tam (Team Member), Eduardo Rocha (Team Member), Patricia Teixeira Cardoso (Consultant). More info.
2013-2014. Macau Biodiversity. Macao Foundation. Coordinators: Karen Tagulao (PI), SK Chan (Co-PI), David Gonçalves. More info (external link).
2013-2015. Bringing Science to Schools in Macao: From Genes to Environment. FDCT 040/2013/P. Research Team: Karen Tagulao (PI), SK Chan (Co-PI). More info.
2010-2012. DNA Technology Workshops for Secondary School Students. FDCT 028/2010/P. Research Team: Karen Tagulao (PI), SK Chan (Co-PI), Mak A (team member). More info.
2010-2012. Inventory and assessment of the marine flora of Macau. FDCT 028/2010/A. Research Team: Karen Tagulao (PI), SK Chan (Co-PI), PO Ang PO (Co-PI), S Wong (Research Assistant), K Kam (Research Assistant). More info.
Tagulao, K.A.; Lai, W.I.; Lebel, A.; Calheiros, C.S.C (2023) Evaluating the Potential of Mangrove Phytoremediation for Mitigating Coastal Water Eutrophication in Macao SAR: A Field and Mesocosm Study. Sustainability 15, 7830. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15107830
Ivorra L, Cardoso PG, Chan SK, Cruzeiro C, Tagulao K (2022) Quantification of insecticides in commercial seafood sold in East Asian markets: risk assessment for consumers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24413-7
Ivorra L, Cruzeiro C, Ramos A, Tagulao KA, & Cardoso PG (2022) How can environmental conditions influence dicofol genotoxicity on the edible Asiatic clam, Meretrix meretrix? Environmental Pollution, 293, 118467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118467
Tagulao KA. Bernardo A B I. Kei L H. Calheiros C S C (2022) Mangrove Conservation in Macao SAR, China: The Role of Environmental Education among School Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 3147. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19063147
Tagulao, K A (2022). Nature-Based Solutions for Environmental Education in the East Asian Context. In: Vasconcelos, C., Calheiros, C.S.C. (eds) Enhancing Environmental Education Through Nature-Based Solutions. Integrated Science, vol 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91843-9_21
Ivorra L, Cardoso PG, Chan SK, Cruzeiro C, Tagulao K A. (2021). Can mangroves work as an effective phytoremediation tool for pesticide contamination? An interlinked analysis between surface water, sediments and biota. J. Clean. Prod. 295, 126334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126334
Ivorra L. Cruzeiro C, Chan SK, Tagulao KA, Cardoso P G. 2019. Uptake and depuration kinetics of dicofol metabolite 4,4′-dichlorobenzophenone, in the edible Asiatic clam Meretrix meretrix. Chemosphere, 235 662-669. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.06.155
Ivorra, L., Cardoso, P.G., Chan, S.K., Tagulao, K. L., Cruzeiro, C. 2019. Environmental characterization of 4,4′-dichlorobenzophenone in surface Twaters from Macao and Hong Kong coastal areas (Pearl River Delta) and its toxicity on two biological models: Artemia salina and Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 171, 1-11, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.12.054
Tagulao KA, EDR van Steveninck. Phenotypic plasticity in Enhalus acoroides: in vitro and in situ light response experiments. World Seagrass Conference and 13th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, June 11-17, 2018, National University of Singapore.
Tagulao KA, Wong UM, Chan SK, Ivorra LG, Cardoso PG. Mangroves in Macao: their Role in Heavy Metals Remediation. The 7th International Symposium for Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL), August 21-25, 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
Ivorra L, Tagulao K, Chan SK, Cardoso PG, Cruzeiro. “Dicofol” levels in the mouth of the Pearl River Delta and its environmental implications. 22nd International Conference on Environmental Indicators, August 1-5, 2017, Helsinki, Finland.
Tagulao KA, Chan SK.Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Seaweeds in Macao SAR, PRC. International Seaweed Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2016
Tagulao KA. Enhalus acoroides, resilient or vulnerable? Research Progress in Biology, Ecology and Management. UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands, August 2015
Tagulao KA. In Situ Transplantation Experiment: effects on survival, morphology and reproduction of Enhalus acoroides”. International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Hainan, China, November 2014
Araño-Tagulao, K. , Chan S.K., Ang, P.O., Wong, S. and Kam, K. 2012. Macao’s mangroves. University of St. Joseph, Macao. ISBN 978-99965-940-0-7.
Tagulao, KA, Chan SK. Recent advances in the training of Macao Secondary School teachers and students in environmental and science education”(澳門中學老師的環境與科學教育的培訓及最近進展). Annual Cross – Straits Forum on Education for Sustainable Development”Conference at the Macau Fisherman’s Wharf and Venetian, April 1st and April 2nd 2011
Tagulao, KA. Urbanity and Seagrasses. 2010. International Conference on The City and the Ocean: Urbanity, (Im)migration, Memory, and Imagination, Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Rollon, R.N. M.S. Samson, M.Y. Roleda, K.G. Araño, M.W.B. Vergara and W.Y. Licuanan. 2003. Estimating Biomass from the Cover of Gelidiella acerosa along the Coasts of Eastern Philippines. Botanica Marina.
Araño K.G., G.C. Trono, Jr., N.E. Montano, R.D. Villanueva and A. Hurtado. 2000. Selection and development of Gracilaria cultivars for Philippine seaweed farms. Botanica Marina.