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ISE Science Seminars


Here are some of the scheduled talks, more will be announced upon confirmation.

Date Time Speaker, Affiliation Title of the Talk Host Venue/Link
18 Jan (Wed) 17:00-18:00 Deo Florence L. Onda UP Marine Science Institute, Philippines Plastic pollution in the South China sea: a shared problem and responsibility Karen Zoom: 816 3910 3643 Pass: 919631
8 Feb (Wed) 18:00-19:00 Kin Chung Ho Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China University of Hong Kong, HK Environmental research: from Hong Kong to polar regions, from harmful algal blooms to beneficial microalgae industry SK Chan
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom: 817 0604 2150, Pass: 323415
13 Feb (Mon) 18:00-19:00 Teresa Firmino  Journalist, Science Editor Journalists and Scientists – A kind of Love Story? Agata + José Manuel Simões (FAH) Zoom: 894 4750 8219,  Pass: 334801
16 Feb (Thur) 17:00-18:00 Ricardo Ramos  (known as Xicogaivota), Artist, Portugal Beach plastics and art Agata + Filipa Martins (FAH)
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom: 874 8339 5299,  Pass: 206800
23 Feb (Thur) 17:00-18:00 João Duarte  Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), Portugal Plate tectonics, big earthquakes, and tsunamis (examples of Portugal and South China) Agata
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom: 814 12873625,  Pass: 214080
8 Mar (Wed) 18:00-19:00 Pratiti Bhadra Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India How does the accessory proteins Sec62 and Sec63 affect the conformation of Sec61 from yeast? Shirley
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom : 81761083647, Pass: 056193
26 Apr  (Wed) 18:00-19:00 Chi-Fang Chen Underwater Acoustics Laboratory, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University Review of Passive Acoustics Monitoring Results in the Coastal Waters of Western Taiwan Raquel
5 May  (Fri) 18:00-19:00 Siu-Tai Tsim Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University Assessing the biodiversity potential of urban parks in Zhuhai Thomas
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom :89907088069, Pass: 000853
5 Jul (Wed) 18:00-19:00 Francisco Ferreira  NOVA University Lisbon (FCT-NOVA), Portugal Air quality and climate change – policies and measures for a double win Thomas
  • NAPE campus
  • Zoom :89907088069, Pass: 000853

ISE PhD Seminars


Date Time Speaker Title of the Talk Supervisor(s)
25 May (Thur) 19:00 Bianca Fusani Stress in fish – the role of oxytocin and vasopressin David, Rui Oliveira
15 Jun (Thur) 19:00 Muhammad Bashir Saidu Isolation of conventional plastic Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) degrading and Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) producing bacteria from sediment and water samples David, Paula M. L. Castro, Irina Sousa Moreira
20:00 Pedro Roseira Reis Costa Mineralogical and Geochemical Signatures of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Oxyhydroxide Deposits Agata
6 Jul (Thur) 19:00 Jijo Kandamkulathy Paulose A comparative study on the spatial and temporal vibritactike acuity of the skin of the visually impared and the sighted David, Kristian Tylen (Uni of Aarhus, Denmark)
14 Sep (Thur) 19:00 Melina Coelho da Silva Chemical communication and aggressive behaviour in Fighting fish David, Adelino Canario and Peter Hubbard
20:00 Alexandre Lebel Marine medaka as a behavioral model to assess the role of ocean acidification on chemical communication David
Oct (Wed) – TBC 19:00 Guilherme Cordes Aniceto Leite Martins Thesis Proposal Presentation: A symbiotic food waste and microalgae decentralised system: An approach towards bio structures David

19:00 Wong Lap Yan, Nathan Thesis Proposal Presentation: TBC  TBC
20:00 Manuel Sin Thesis Proposal Presentation: TBC  TBC