Access to talks and posters, coffee breaks, lunches, dinner, tour
MOP 1000
MOP 1000
Access to talks and posters only
For authors, completed registration is required to secure the oral or poster presentation to be scheduled. All onsite participants are required to register, including listeners. Upon checking in at the venue, each registrant will receive the symposium name badge. Paid registrants in addition will receive meal and tour vouchers. The electronic certificate of attendance will be sent to the registered email address within one week after the Symposium is ended.
Registration is now opened. Please complete the registration form and select the registration package. For payment, two options are available: credit card or bank transfer.
Registration Fee Waivers
We are thrilled to announce the generous financial support from the following local companies, enabling us to offer registration fee waivers to students and postdocs. To apply, please fill in the application form. Send your signed form together with other supporting documents to (SUBJECT: Registration fee wavier application). Applications on or before 13 September will be given full considerations.