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Introductory Statistics Using R / R語言統計學入門課程 course – ISE

ISE, USJ, Macao: Feb, 26星期一to Mar, 13星期二 : 18:30 – 21:30H.

The course introduces basic statistical analysis with the open source software R, a programming language for statistical computing with graphical capabilities.

The benefits of R software:

  • R is free. R is open-source and runs on UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh.
  • R has an excellent built-in help system.
  • R has excellent graphing capabilities.
  • Students can easily migrate to the commercially supported S-Plus program if commercial software is desired.
  • R’s language has a powerful, easy to learn syntax with many built-in statistical functions.
  • The language is easy to extend with user-written functions.
  • R is a computer programming language. For programmers, it will feel more familiar than others and for new computer users, the next leap to programming will not be so large.