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Microplastics – ISE

Quantifying Microplastics Using Gravity Methods in the Classroom

DSEJ FD19-0202 – 18, 23, 30 May 2019

Course materials

Field protocols

Collection of sediment samples for microplastic characterization

Quick identification of microplastics in sediment samples in the field 

Lab protocols

Lab protocol for isolating microplastics in sediments

Lab protocol for isolating microplastics in personal care and cosmetics products

Sessions PPTs

Class slides

Supporting readings

Marine & Environmental Research Institute. (2015). Guide to Microplastic Identification

Hanke, G., Galgani, F., Werner, S., Oosterbaan, L., Nilsson, P., & Fleet, D. (2013). MSFD GES technical subgroup on marine litter. Guidance on monitoring of marine litter in European Seas. Luxembourg: Joint Research Centre–Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Publications Office of the European Union.

Lippiatt, S., Opfer, S., and Arthur, C. (2013). Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS-OR&R-46.

Fok, L., & Cheung, P. K. (2015). Hong Kong at the Pearl River estuary: A hotspot of microplastic pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 99(1-2), 112-118.


Does it sink or float? Class activity. Source: University of Florida.