Wenhong Qiu (Johnson) 邱文洪

- Research Gate: Qiu Wenhong
E-mail: johnson.qiu@usj.edu.mo ; qiuwenhong1990@qq.com
EDUCATION: 2013 BSc in Geology, School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University; 2018 PhD in Petrology and Geochemistry, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2018 to 2019 Feb, Research Assistant, The University of Hong Kong; since 2019, Postdoctoral position, University of Saint Joseph
My research focuses on (1) Paleozoic sedimentary exhalative sulfide (SEDEX) deposits, volcanic hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits and Mississippi Valley-type sulfide (MVT) deposits in South China, and (2) seafloor massive sulfide deposits (SMS) formed in hydrothermal systems from slower spreading mid-ocean ridges, like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Southwest Indian Ridge.
SWIMAR – The role of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems in the formation of seafloor deposits: comparison between SWIR and MAR fields/超基性岩系海底熱泉系統於海床熱液礦床扮演之角色:以 SWIR 及 MAR 熱泉系統相互比較為例. FDCT File No.: 002/2018/A1, 2018-2021 (team member)
- Wu, Q., Zhao, T. P., Chen, W. T., Gao, X. Y., Meng, L., & Qiu, W. (2021). Origin of the Qiyugou gold deposit in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Insights from trace elements of pyrite and mineralogy of Bi-minerals. Ore Geology Reviews, 104085.Qiu, W. J., Zhou, M.-F., Li, X., Huang, F., Malpas, (2021) Constraints of Fe-S-C stable isotopes on hydrothermal and microbial activities during formation of sediment-hosted stratiform sulfide deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 313, 15. 195-213
- Qiu, W., Zhou, M. F., Li, X., Williams-Jones, A. E., & Yuan, H. (2018). The Genesis of the Giant Dajiangping SEDEX-Type Pyrite Deposit, South China. Economic Geology, 113(6), 1419-1446.
- Qiu, W., Zhou, M. F., & Liu, Z. R. (2018). Late Paleozoic SEDEX deposits in South China formed in a carbonate platform at the northern margin of Gondwana. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 156, 41-58.
- Yuan, H., Liu, X., Chen, L., Bao, Z., Chen, K., Zong, C., … & Qiu, W., (2018). Simultaneous measurement of sulfur and lead isotopes in sulfides using nanosecond laser ablation coupled with two multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 154, 386-396.
- Li, G., Hartmann, J., Derry, L. A., West, A. J., You, C. F., Long, X., Zhan, T., Li, L., Li, G., Qiu, W., Li, T., Liu, L., Chen, Y., Ji, J., Zhao, L., Chen, J. (2016). Temperature dependence of basalt weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443, 59-69.
- Chen, W., Xu, Z., Qiu, W., Li, C., Yu, Y., Wang, H., & Su, Y. (2015). Petrogenesis of the Yaochong granite and Mo deposit, Western Dabie orogen, eastern-central China: Constraints from zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os ages, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103, 198-211.
- Qiu W, Dias Á A, Costa IMA & Barriga F (2022) The evolution of sulfur isotope in hydrothermal fluids along the formation of chimney of Menez Gwen (MAR): mineralization implications Goldschmidt2022
- Qiu, W., Dias, A. A., Costa, P. (2020) Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints. Poster presentation at the Goldschmidt Conference 2020 (online), Hawaii, USA.
- Qiu, W., Zhou, M. F., (2019, Oct) Interaction between hydrothermal and biological activities on a paleo-venting seafloor during formation of a SEDEX pyrite deposit. Oral presentation at the 2019 International Symposium on Low-temperature Mineralization, Guiyang, China.
- Qiu, W., Dias, A. A., Tao, C., Barriga, F. (2019, Sep) Sulfide mineralization of the Saldanha hydrothermal field (MAR): constraints from the in-situ sulfur isotope microanalysis. Oral presentation at the InterRidge workshop on hydrothermal ore-forming process and the fate of SMS deposits along slow and ultraslow MOR, Hangzhou, China.
- Qiu, W, Dias, Á A, Costa, P (2019, April) Hydrothermal fields at Mid-Atalantic Ridge, near Azores (Portugal). Poster presentation at The 17th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry, Hangzhou, China.
- Qiu, W., Zhou M. F. (2017, June). Sulfur isotopic constraints on the origin of the Dajiangping SEDEX-type pyrite deposit, South China. Oral presentation at the FUTORES II Conference, Townsville, Australia.