Description: applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher to work under the project “TOLERANCE – Unravelling common environmental stress tolerance mechanisms in marine echinoderms and fish” funded by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Qualifications required: PhD in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or related science fields.  
Duties: coordination of lab experiments in the laboratories of the Institute of Science and Environment, in Macau, related to the topic of the project; data analysis and publication of results.
Conditions: starting date, as soon as possible. Duration, 24 months (non-renewable under this project). Schedule to be arranged with project coordinator, Prof. David Goncalves. Salary according to qualifications.
How to apply: candidates should send an email to the project coordinator Use the same email in case of any doubt regarding the position. Position will remain open until filled.
For details on the research group: