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科學 – ISE


Computational Biology

Computational biology and bioinformatics Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is the application and development of computational methods to solve important problems in biology and biotechnology. At USJ, we develop novel machine learning models to learn the hidden patterns from biological data (DNA and proteins) and correlate them with the observed physiochemical properties and biological activities of […]

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Earth Sciences

EArth and Marine Sciences Principal investigator: Ágata Alveirinho DiasOur studies combine tools in mineralogy and petrology, geochemistry (including radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry) and cartography to research the following two topics: DEEP-SEA HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS AND MINERAL DEPOSITS The discovery of hydrothermal fields on the seafloor was one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the last century

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Biological Sciences

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES We develop research on a wide range of biology related topics with a focus on animal behavior and communication systems. We use different fish species as our study models to address both proximate and ultimate questions. Our projects have covered topics such as the Development of Auditory Processing and Vocal Motor Control in Toadfish, the

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Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences We develop research on a wide broad of environment related topics, with a focus on: 1. Ecology and dynamics of the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, which are important in the establishment of conservation strategies for the existing ecosystems, with a focus on local mangroves. Emphasis is given to current ecological and conservation issues in Macao,

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