* Currently at the FCUL; Former Associate Professor (ISE, USJ); PhD in Geology (Crystallography, Mineralogy and Metallogeny; Univ. Lisbon)
Marine geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology; Deep-sea hydrothermal systems and associated deposits; Magmatic and Ultramafic systems; Isotopic geochemistry and geochronology.
- SCOPUS Author ID: 49061005200
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3026-7366
- ResearcherID: ABI-6221-2020
- Research Gate: Ágata A Dias
- OceanExpert: 50389
- Ciência Vitae ID: F318-B7C4-F8CC
(Marine fieldwork)
- Luso2009 – Scientist in on board of NRP Almirante Gago Coutinho (PT) with the ROV (Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle) Luso; Governmental Task Group for the Portuguese Continental Shelf Extension (EMEPC); Azores island slopes geomorphology and geology and scientific studies for the Portuguese continental shelf extension in the Atlantic Ocean. Coordinator of survey dives at AMAR region.
- Luso2008 – Scientist in on board NRP Almirante Gago Coutinho (PT) with the ROV Luso; Scientific studies for the Portuguese continental shelf extension in the Atlantic Ocean; Governmental Task Group for the Portuguese Continental Shelf Extension (EMEPC); Coordinator of the sediment corers sampling PI: Manuel Pinto de Abreu e Nuno Lourenço.
- H2Deep (leg)- Scientist and gravity core drilling coordinator at leg 2, on board of G.O. SARS (Norway) with the ROV Bathysaurus; Survey of hydrothermal systems from Ultraslow spreading ridges. European cruise (EuroMARC Project).
- CD167 (SEAHMA) – Scientist and gravity core drilling coordinator on board of RRS Charles Darwin (UK). The aim of the cruise was the geological and geophysical survey of the Saldanha hydrothermal system (Mid-Atlantic Ridge).
- SEAHMA 1 – Scientist on board of Atalante (IFREMER) with ROV Victor. MAR seafloor research Portuguese mission (Seahma project/FCT); Participation as researcher and responsible of ROV research dives (FCUL).
- SALDANHA – Scientist on board of NADIR (IFREMER), with a deep diving submersible – NAUTILE (IFREMER). MAR seafloor research. Participation as researcher and coordinator of one of the Nautile submersible dives. Portuguese and French mission financed by Portuguese Government funds (Programa PRAXIS XXI).
- PLAMIBEL I – Junior scientist on board Auriga oceanographic vessel. Portuguese mission (IH – Portuguese Hydrographic Institute) with collaboration of Bordéus University. Research participation. Study of the Portuguese continental shelf between Douro and Minho rivers and the turbiditic plumes connected with rivers from northern.
- SeaMIN – In-situ trace elemental and isotopic constraints on modern seafloor massive sulfide mineralization – 现代海底块状硫化物成矿作用的原位微量元素和同位素限制 FDCT File No.: 0041/2021/A1, 2021-2024 (Principal Investigator)
- SWIMAR – The role of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems in the formation of seafloor deposits: comparison between SWIR and MAR fields/超基性岩系海底熱泉系統於海床熱液礦床扮演之角色:以 SWIR 及 MAR 熱泉系統相互比較為例. FDCT File No.: 002/2018/A1, 2018-2021 (Principal Investigator)
- SMSMOR – Seafloor Massive Sulfides Resource along Mid-Ocean Ridges. InterRidge Working Group. on http://www.interridge.org/WG_SMS_MOR (team member)
- Mag.I.C. – Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks from Macao: Implications for the Crustal Evolution of Southern China. FDCT File No.: 043/2014/A1, 2015-2018.
- BLUE MINING – Breakthrough Solutions for the Sustainable Exploration and Extraction of Deep Sea Mineral Resources. FP7 (7th research framework programme), EU Research Projects. Proj. ref.: 604500, 2014-2018
- H2DEEP – Ultra-slow spreading and hydrogen-based deep biosphere (H2DEEP). EuroMARC Project (ESF) No. ERAS-CT-2003-980409 of the European Commission. EUROCORES Program – EuroMarc /0001/2007, 2007-2013
- SEAHMA – Seafloor and Sub-seafloor Hydrothermal Modelling in the Azores Sea POCTI/P/MAR/15281/1999. 2001-2008 (team member)
- MOMAR – Monitoring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: MOMAR I, 1998; MOMAR II, 2002.
- AMAR – Localização e Caracterização de Fontes Hidrotermais no Segmento AMAR: FCT (Praxis XXI) 1997-98
- AMORES – Azores. Mid-Oceanic Ridge Ecosystem Studies: MAS3-CT95-0040) – EU – MAST III 1996 – 1998 (Team member)
- MARFLUX / ATJ – Study of Hydrothermal Fluxes in the Azores Triple Junction – EU – 1994-1996
- “The Earth’s Last Frontier – Mysteries of the Deep Sea / 地球最後的樂土 – 深海探索 ” Macau Foundation project Ref. No. MF/2014/25, May 2015. (coordinator)
- “Mesozoic magmatism of Macao and Hong Kong in the context of SE China geodynamics – 澳門 與香港的中生代岩漿作用”, Macau Foundation project Ref. No. MF/2016/08, March 2017 (coordinator)
- “Wetland ecosystems as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Macao” CTW/2021 (team member)
- “Nature-based solutions for a cleaner and safer Macao” CTW/2020 (team member)
- Liao S, Tao C, Dias Á A, Liu J, Su X, Lv S, Jamieson J W, Zhou J, Deng X, Liang J, Yang W, Li W, Yang X (2024) Sediment geochemistry reveals abundant off-axis hydrothermal fields on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 643, 118916: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118916.
- Liao S, Tao C, Dias Á A, Deng X, Hu S, Liang J, Yang W, Yang X (2023) Evidence of a distal axis inactive high-temperature hydrothermal field on the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights from mineralogy and geochemistry studies. Marine Geology 465, 107158: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107158
- Zhang H, Chen K, Tao C, Dias Á A, et al (2023) Occurrence and precipitation mechanism of silver in pyrite from chimney fragments in the Edmond hydrothermal field, Central Indian Ridge. Ore Geology Reviews, 105471, ISSN 0169-1368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105471
- Ding T, Dias Á A, Wang J, Tan T, Liang J, Wu B, Tao C (2023) Serpentinization and its implications for ultramafic-hosted sulfide mineralization: a case study at the Tianzuo hydrothermal field, 63.5°E, Southwest Indian Ridge. Marine Geology. 106969: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106969
- Yang W, Tao C, Liao S, Liang J, Li W, Ding T, Dias Á A, Wang X, Wang L (in press) Record of hydrothermal activity in the Yuhuang hydrothermal field and its implications for the Southwest Indian Ridge: evidence from sulfide chronology. Acta Oceanologica Sinica.
- Liao S, Tao C, Wen H, Yang W, Liu J, Jamieson JW, Dias Á A, Zhu C, Liang J, Li W, Ding T, Li X, Zhang H (2022) Hydrothermal remobilization of subseafloor sulfide mineralization along mid-ocean ridges contributes to the global oceanic zinc isotopic mass balance. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 335, 56-67: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2022.08.022
- Qiu Z, Tao C, Ma W, Dias Á A, Hu S, Shao Y, Yang K, Zhang W (2022) Material Source of Sediments from West Clarion–Clipperton Zone (Pacific): Evidence from Rare Earth Element Geochemistry and Clay Minerals Compositions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering., 10,1052: https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10081052
- Yang W, Liao S, Dias Á A, Liang J, Li W, Ding T, & Tao, C. (2022). Geochemistry, sulfur and lead isotopic composition of hydrothermal sulfide from the Duanqiao hydrothermal field on the Southwest Indian Ridge: implications for ore genesis. International Geology Review, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2081937
- Ding T, Wang J, Tao C, Dias Á A, Liang J, Wang Y, Chen J, Wu B, Huang H. (2022) Trace-element compositions of sulfides from inactive Tianzuo hydrothermal field, Southwest Indian Ridge: implications for ultramafic rocks hosting mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 104421: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169136821004479
- Yu J,Tao C, Liaob S, Dias Á A, Liang J,Yangb W, Zhud C (2021) Resource estimation of the sulfide-rich deposits of the Yuhuang-1 hydrothermal field on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. Ore Geology Reviews, 104169 : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104169
- Quelhas, P, Borgens. R, Dias, A. Á, Ribeiro, L, Costa, P Mata, J. (2021) Geological Map of the Macao Special Administrative Region (China). (2021) Journal of Maps, 17 (2)257-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2021.1906340
- Quelhas, P, Mata J and Dias, A Á (2021) Magmatic evolution of garnet-bearing highly fractionated granitic rocks from Macao, Southeast China: Implications for granite-related mineralization processes. Journal of Earth Sciences. JES-07-2020-0330. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1389-4
- Quelhas P, Mata J, Dias Á A (2021) Evidences for mixed contribution of mantle, lower and upper crust to the genesis of Jurassic I~type granites from Macao, SE China. GSA Bulletin. 133 (1-2): 37–56.. https://doi.org/10.1130/B35552.1
- Ding T, Tao C, Dias Á A. Liang J, Chen J, Wu B, Zhang R, Liao S, Wang Y, Yang W, Liu J, Li W, Zhang G, Huang H (2020) Sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides along the Southwest Indian Ridge: implications for sulfide mineralization in ultramafic rocks. Mineralium Deposita.56, 991–1006 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-020-01025-0
- Milinovic J, Dias Á A, Janeiro A. Pereira M. Martins S, Petersen, SIM and Barriga F J A SIM (2020) XRD identification of ore minerals during cruises: Refinement of extraction procedure with sodium acetate buffer. Minerals. 10(2), 160. 1-19 https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020160
- Quelhas, P., Dias, A. Á, Mata, J., Don, D., Ribeiro, L. (2020) High-precision geochronology of Mesozoic magmatism in Macao, Southeast China: evidence for multistage granite emplacement. Geoscience Frontiers. 11, 1. 243-263 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2019.04.011
- Liao S, Tao C, Dias Á A, Su X, Yang Z, Ni, Liang J, Yang W, Liu J, Li W, Dong C (2019) Surface sediment composition and distribution of hydrothermal derived elements at the Duanqiao-1 hydrothermal field, Southwest Indian Ridge. Marine Geology, 417, 105975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.105975
- Quelhas, P., Mata, J., Lou, U. T., Ribeiro, M. L., Borges, R., Dias, Á (2018). A origem e evolução dos magmas graníticos de Macao à luz de dados de geoquímica elementar e isotópica / Source and evolution of Macao granitic magmas: insights from wholerock geochemistry and isotopic signatures. XIV Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa e XIX Semana de Geoquímica (XIV CGPLP/XIX SG, international conference). 25-29 March 2018, Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.
- Dias Á A, Fruh-Green G L, Bernasconi S M, Barriga F J A S and Seahma and Charles Darwin 167 cruise teams, (2011) Geochemistry and stable isotopes constraints on high-temperature activity from sediment cores of the Saldanha field. Marine Geology 279 (2011) 128–140. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2010.10.017: TOP 25 HOTTEST ARTICLES
- Dias Á S , Mills R A, Ribeiro da Costa I, Costa R, Taylor R N, Cooper M, and Barriga F J A S, (2010). Tracing fluid-rock reaction and hydrothermal circulation at the Saldanha hydrothermal field. Chemical Geology, 273(3-4): 168-179. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.02.020
- Dias Á S, Mills R A Taylor R N, Ferreira, P and Barriga, F J A S (2008). Geochemistry of a sediment push-core from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Chemical Geology, 247(3-4): 339-351. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.10.015
- Dias Á S. and Barriga F. (2006) Mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermal sediments from the serpentinite-hosted Saldanha hydrothermal field (36834VN; 33826VW) at MAR. Marine Geology. 225, 157–175. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2005.07.013
- Dias Á S and Barriga, F J A S, (2005). Mineralogical and geochemical hydrothermal evidences on sediments from the serpentinite-hosted Saldanha hydrothermal field. Mineral Deposit Research. 1: 603-606. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F3-540-27946-6_154
- Miranda J M, Silva P F, Lourenço N, Henry B, Costa R and Saldanha Team (Dias, Á S included) (2002) Study of the Saldanha massif (MAR, 36º34´N): Constrains from rock magnetic and geophysical data. Marine Geophysical Researches 23: 299–318. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:10257115021222
- Dias Á A (2024) Hydrothermal fields within the Portuguese seafloor (MAR): influence of geological setting on geochemical processes. Earth Systems Summer School, July 14-19, Aveiro, Portugal. (invited lecture, oral presentation)
- Ding, T., Zhu, C., Dias, Á. A., Liang, J., 2024. Study on the SMS mineralization along 3-6°S, EPR. 17th National Conference on Mineral Deposits, September 19-22, Guiyang City, China. (oral presentation)
- Ding, T., Tao, C., Dias, Á. A., Liang, J., 2024. Sulfide mineralization mechanism in ultramafic-hosted systems: a case study of the Tianzuo hydrothermal field, SWIR. Korea-China Collaborative Workshop, July 8-11, Bushan City, Korea. (oral presentation)
- Ding, T., Tao, C., Dias, Á. A., Liang, J., et al., 2023. A brief discussion on the SMS mineralization hosted in ultramafic systems—the Tianzuo case. 10th National Symposium on Metallogenic Theory and Methods of Prospecting, December 15-18, Xi’an City, China. (oral presentation)
- Costa P, Moreira A, Dias Á A, Santos R, Duarte J, Quartau R (2023) Seafloor Sediments of the Gigante Seamount Complex, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Insights into Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Possible Signatures of Hydrothermal Activities. Goldshmidt2023, 11 July 2023 (Poster): https://conf.goldschmidt.info/goldschmidt/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/20264
- Dias Á A, Relvas JMRS, Marques AF, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS, Ribeiro L & Calado A (2022) Variability of the hydrothermal fields within the Portuguese seafloor (MAR) Goldschmidt2022:https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2022.11686
- Qiu W, Dias Á A, Costa IMA & Barriga F (2022) The evolution of sulfur isotope in hydrothermal fluids along the formation of chimney of Menez Gwen (MAR): mineralization implications Goldschmidt2022:https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2022.10761
- Costa P & Dias Á A (2022) Geochemical and mineralogical investigations of seafloor oxyhydroxides deposits collected in Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal fields Goldschmidt2020:https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2022.11676
- Relvas JMRS; Barriga, FJAS; Pinto A; Marques AF; Carvalho J; Dias Á A (2022) “Replacement or plume fallout? Both, please! Evidence from active and fossil VMS systems.”. Paper presented in 16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2022 The critical role of minerals in the carbon-neutral future, New Zeland
- Dias Á A, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS & Tao C (2020) Sub-Seafloor Sulfide Mineralization in the Saldanha Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Goldschmidt2020: https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2020.44
- Qiu W, Dias ÁA, Costa IMA & Barriga F (2020) Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints Goldschmidt2020: https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2020.2143
- Costa P, Dias Á A (2020) Oxyhydroxide Hydrothermal Crusts from Saldanha Hydrothermal Field Goldschmidt2020: https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2020.478
- Dias Á A (2019) Diving into the unknown: robotics as tools to study the deep-sea. IROS
- Costa P and Dias Á A (2019) Hydrothermal Fe-Mn deposits from low-temperature systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes, Hangzhou
- Qiu W, Dias Á A, Barriga F, Tao C (2019) Sulfide mineralization of the Saldanha hydrothermal field (MAR): constraints from sulfur isotope in-situ microanalysis. InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes, Hangzhou.
- Dias Á A, Costa P. Marques AF, Ribeiro L, Madureira P, Calado A, Gonçalves E & Morato T (2019) Geochemistry of Fe-Si-(Mn) Chimneys from Luso Vent Field, MAR. Goldschmidt 2019. 10i, 445. Barcelona. https://goldschmidt.info/2019/abstracts/abstractView?id=2019003072
- Quelhas P, Dias Á A, Mata J & Wayne Davis D (2019) Geochronological, geochemical and petrographic constraints on incremental pluton growth: the case of Macao granitic suite. Goldschmidt 2019. 06g, 258. Barcelona. https://goldschmidt.info/2019/abstracts/abstractView?id=2019004459
- P. Quelhas, J. Mata, U.T. Lou, R. Borges, M.L. Ribeiro, Dias Á A(2017) New geochemical constraints on I-type granites of Macao: evidences for fractional crystallization and petrogenetic affinities with Jurassic-Cretaceous granites in SE China. Goldschmidt2017 . Paris
- Milinovic J, Barriga F, Dias Á, Martins S, Pereira M & Janeiro A (2017) Offshore Assessment of Minerals in Deep-Sea Sediments from the TAG-Area (26°N, 44°W). Goldschmidt2017. Paris.
- Quelhas P M, Mata J, Lou U T, Ribeiro M R and Dias A Á (2016) Mesozoic Granitic Magmatism in Macao, Southeast China. AGU Fall meeting 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Dias Á A, Quelhas P, Lou U, Mata J & Ribeiro M L (2016) Petrology and Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Macao. Goldschmidt2016. 61, 05c – 665. Yokohama, Japan. July. http://goldschmidt.info/2016/uploads/abstracts/finalPDFs/665.pdf
- Dias, Á A and Barriga, F (2015) Saldanha hydrothermal field: the role of the sediment-cover in the preservation of ore-forming minerals. Third InterRidge Theoretical Institute:Magmatic and Tectonic Processes and Seabed Resources at Mid-Ocean Ridges; Hangzhou, China. Sept.
- Cruz M I, Marques F A M, Dias Á S, Pedersen R, Barriga F J A S (2014) Sr and Nd isotopic composition of Jan Mayen and Loki’s Castle: a progress report. 43rd Underwater Mining Institute · Sept.
- Cruz MI, Marques A F, Dias Á S, Pedersen R, Relvas J M R S, Barriga F J A S, (2013) Sulfide Sites in the Arctic Ocean: Jan Mayen and Loki’s Castle, Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt2013, April.
- Cruz M I, Dias Á S, , Pedersen R.B, Relvas J M R S, Fonseca RBarriga F J A S (2013) Sulphide mineralization in Arctic seafloor hydrothermal fields: extending the European exploration area to the Far North, ERA-MIN. Mar.
- Relvas, J M R S, Barriga, F J A S, Costa, I M R, Cruz, I M, Dias, Á S, Marques, A F A, Pinto, AMM (2012). Massive Sulfide Mineralization in Relic and Modern Seafloor. Ophiolite and Related Ore and Industrial Minerals, Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey, 16-22 May.
- Dias Á S, Cruz I, Fonseca R, Barriga F J A S, Pedersen, R B (2011) Trollveggen Vent Field: Mineralogy and geochemistry of chimneys and deposits, and evidence of hydrothermal activity in far-field cores. Final EuroMARC conference, Feb.
- Cruz MI, Dias Á S, Carvalho C, Barriga F J A S, Relvas J M R S, Fonseca R, Pedersen R (2011) Loki’s Castle Arctic Vents and Host Sediments: Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Final EuroMarc Conference, Feb.
- Cruz M I, Dias Á S, Relvas J M R S, Carvalho C, Fonseca R, Pedersen R.B, Barriga F J A S (2011) Geochemistry of the Artic Loki’s Castle hydrothermal vent products. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. Mineralogical Magazine 75:p708. http://goldschmidtabstracts.info/2011/708.pdf.
- Dias Á S, Cruz I, Fonseca R, Barriga F J A S, Pedersen, R B (2010) Mineralogy and Geochemistry from Trollveggen Vent Field Chimneys and Metalliferous Sediments (Mohns Ridge, West Jan Mayen Fracture Zone at 71°N). American Geophysical Union (AGU), OS21A-1483. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU’s online supplement http://www.agu.org/pubs/eos-news/supplements/
- Barriga F J A S, Fonseca R,Dias Á A, Cruz I M, R Carvalho C, Relvas J M, Pedersen R B (2010) Acid-Extractable Geochemistry from the Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Field, Norwegian Sea at 74 degrees N (South Knipovich Ridge). American Geophysical Union ( AGU), OS21A-1484 Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU’s online supplement http://www.agu.org/pubs/eos-news/supplements/
- Cruz MI, Barriga FJAS, Carvalho C,Dias Á A, Fonseca R, Relvas JMRS, Pedersen R (2010) Loki’s Castle Arctic vents and host sediments: Arctic large scale hydrothermal fields. Ciencia 2010. Lisbon, Jully, 2010.
- Barriga FJAS, Carvalho C, Cruz MI, Dias Á A, Fonseca R, Relvas JM, Pedersen R (2010) Preliminary Results on Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Loki’s Castle Arctic Vents and Host Sediments.Geophysical Research Abstract. Vol12, EGU2010-11970, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2010
- Barriga F J A S, Fonseca, Dias Á A, Cruz I M, R Carvalho C, Relvas J M, Pedersen R B (2010) Acid-Extractable Geochemistry from the Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Field, Norwegian Sea at 74 degrees N (South Knipovich Ridge). American Geophysical Union (AGU), OS21A-1484.Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Unionhttp://www.agu.org/pubs/eos-news/supplements/
- Barriga F J A S, Carvalho C, Cruz I M, Dias Á S, Fonseca R, Relvas J M, Pedersen R B (2010) Mineralogy and geochemistry of Loki’s Castle Arctic vents and host sediments: preliminary results.EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.
- Barriga F, Fouquet Y, Almeida A, Biscoito M, Charlou JL, Costa R, Dias Á A, et al. (1998) Discovery of Saldanha Hydrothermal Filed on the FAMOUS segment of the MAR (36º30’N). Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 79(45):67