
AMPSEC, an AntiMicrobial Peptides SECretion platform to identify alternatives to antibiotics
This project aims to tackle the challenge of antibiotic resistance by an interdisciplinary approach including the development of a new technology – the AMP secretion platform by means of synthetic biology, quantitative modeling of natural AMPs, and to design novel, potent, and specific AMPs.
Grant no.: NFRFE-2021-00913
Team Members: F-X Campbell-Velois (PI, uOttawa), Shirley Siu (Co-PI, USJ)

One Drop at a Time: Exploring Biodiversity in Macao’s Urban Wetland Ecosystems and the Role of Water Stewardship
This project will focus on exploring and conserving the rich biodiversity present in urban wetland ecosystems of Macao, as water habitats play a crucial role in supporting and sustaining biodiversity. With an emphasis on water stewardship, it aims to assess the unique and undocumented biodiversity found within these urban wetland habitats.
Team Members:
Karen Araño-Tagulao (PI, USJ), Sara Cardoso (Co-PI, USJ), Yolanda Lau (Research Assistant, USJ), Mikael Leong (Research Assistant, USJ, Cristina Calheiros (Collaborator, CIIMAR), Danny Leong Chi Man (Team Member, UIC/HKBU)

Wetland ecosystems: a nature-based solution for coastal protection and plastic pollution entrapment in Macao
This project aims to assess plastic pollution along the city’s coastal environment and investigate the specific roles of the local wetland ecosystems (coastal wetlands/mangroves and/or freshwater wetlands) for the entrapment and remediation of plastic pollution and reduction of water-related risks (flooding due to impact of storm surge brought by more frequent severe weather events). The scientific aspect of the project will be complemented by community-based activities in order to raise awareness about plastic pollution, their impact on the aquatic ecosystems, and mitigation strategies. These awareness campaigns are expected to translate into action with community participation and active engagement in coastal clean-ups, planting and other relevant activities.
Team Members:
Karen Araño-Tagulao (PI, USJ), Sara Cardoso (Co-PI, USJ) , Agata Dias (Team Member, USJ), Thomas Lei (Team Member, USJ), Saidu Bashir (Research Assistant, USJ), Cristina Calheiros (Collaborator, CIIMAR)

Wetland ecosystems as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Macao
This project focuses on wetland ecosystems as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Macao. It aims to investigate the specific roles of the local wetland ecosystems (coastal wetlands/mangroves and/or freshwater wetlands) in Macao for carbon sequestration, reduction of water-related risks (flooding due to impact of storm surge brought by more frequent severe weather events) and shoreline stabilization.
Team Members:
Karen Araño-Tagulao (PI, USJ)
Ágata Dias (Team member, USJ)
Cristina Calheiros (Collaborator, CIIMAR, Hio Wai Lao Marco (RA, USJ)

Nature-based solutions for a cleaner and safer Macao
This projects aims to investigate ways in which nature-based solutions (NBS) can be applied to enhance the water quality and availability of coastal waters in Macao and take advantage of the ecosystems services that they provide.
Team Members:
Karen Araño-Tagulao (PI, USJ)
Ágata Dias (Team member, USJ)
Cristina Calheiros (Collaborator, CIIMAR

Macao’s Mangroves: A Coastal Treasure – Exhibition
Mangrove forests are one of the most valuable ecosystems on earth and an important natural coastal treasure.
Team Members:
Karen Araño-Tagulao (PI, USJ)